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Written by Kashif Ahmed

                 Proteus is an advanced electronics circuits simulation software with:
ISIS    :  Intelligent Schematics Input System.
LISA  :  Labcenter Integrated Simulation Architecture.
ARES :  Advanced Routing and Editing Software.

Developed By :
                          Labcenter Electronics.
Uses :
          This software is used for making / drawing electric or electronics circuit diagrams                                which can be done by using ISIS.
                >>    It is used to simulate and output corresponding results using LISA.
                >>    It is used to make PCB layouts and their 3D views using ARES.

Getting Started With :

1- To start Proteus, click: Start > All Programs > Proteus 8 Professional > Proteus 8 Professional           .exe .

2- In the start tab click on : > New Project.

3- In New Project Wizard :  Type the project name and its destination / path.
      And select  > New Project.
      And Press  > Next.

Now :  Select  > Create a schematic from the selected template.
            And choose  > Landscape A4.
            And Press  > Next.

Now :  Select  > Create a PCB layout from the selected template.
            And choose  > Default.
            And Press  > Next.

Now :  Select  > No Firmware Project.
            And Press  > Next.
            And Press  > Finish.

Schematic Designing :

1- Click on The Tab : > Schematic Capture.
     Empty space appears in which we can draw our circuit.
     Now : Click on > Component Mode.

Now : Click on > P.
  A window appears which contains a library of all the available circuit elements.
  Search for your element and double click on it.
  (It will be saved in the DEVICES selector tab.)

For Sources select > Simulator Primitives, from the category tab.
  Then double click on your preferred source.
  (After taking all the components, click > OK.)

2- From the DEVICES tab click on the component that you want to place.

    Now : Move the cursor to the empty sheet and click the Left mouse button.
    The component will appear.
    (If you want to Rotate the component : Press the > “ + ” key on the numpad.)

Now : Choose an appropriate position and click the Left mouse button to place the component.

  (If you want to deselect the component click the Right mouse button.)

  (If you want to delete the component after placing it : Please move the cursor to the component and     click Left mouse button ; and then press the >Delete key on keyboard.)

3- To place the measuring instruments, like the volt meter : Click on the > Instruments :

      From the menu you can place the instrument of your choice.

4- To draw Wires : Move the cursor to the terminal of a component ;

     The terminal will glow Red :

Now : Click the Left mouse Button and then move the cursor to a terminal of another component and            click the Left mouse button : The wire is drawn :

      (If you want to deselect the wire : Click the Right mouse button.)

5- To place the ground click on > Terminals Mode.

      And place the GROUND from the menu.

6- To change the settings and values of the components : Double Click Left mouse button on the               component.

      (A window will appear : Where you can change the values of components.)

7- To simulate the circuit Click on the play symbol : on the bottom left corner of the window.

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