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Written by Kashif Ahmed

Eclipse is an integrated development environment(IDE) used in computer programming, and is the most widely used Java IDE. It contains a base workspace and an extensible plug-in system for customizing the environment.

Eclipse IDE is available in the following packages :

  • ·         Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
  • ·         Eclipse IDE for Java Developers
  • ·         Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers
  • ·         Eclipse for Android Developers
  • ·         Eclipse for PHP Developers
  • ·         Eclipse IDE for Eclipse Committers
  • ·         Eclipse IDE for JavaScript and Web Developers
  • ·         Eclipse for Parallel Application Developers
  • ·         Eclipse IDE for Java and DSL Developers
  • ·         Eclipse for RCP and RAP Developers
  • ·         Eclipse Modeling Tools
  • ·         Eclipse IDE for Java and Report Developers
  • ·         Eclipse for Testers
  • ·         Eclipse for Scout Developers

For the current post we are going to stick to the Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers.


1 ) Go to the directory of eclipse C++. In this case :
 > Computer > Local Disk (c:) > Eclipse > eclipse.exe.

2 ) A window appears asking to select a directory as workspace :
      Type in an appropriate directory and click > OK.

After entering workspace directory, the main window of the compiler appears :

3 ) Now go to > File > New > C++ Project.

A window appears : Type in the project name :
In Project type, select   > Empty Project.
In Toolchains, select > MinGW GCC.
And click > Finish.

4 ) The Project name appears in the Project Explorer tab.
       Right click on the Project name and go to > New > Source File.

Type in an appropriate Source File name and type “ .cpp ” in the end.
And click > Finish.

5 ) Now you can see the place where you can write your C++ code.
      (There is something written initially, you can ignore it and start from line 2 or just backspace it.)
      ( You should be able to see the console. )

6 )  Write the desired code (An example hello world code).
      To save project go to > File > Save.

Or click on the Save icon.
( You can also press  (Ctrl + S ) to save the project. )

7 ) To debug / build the project Right click on> Project Name > Build Project.

You can also build by clicking the hammer icon.

8 ) To RUN the Project go to > Run > Run.
      ( Or press ( Ctrl + 11 ) .)

See the output……..