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                     Elven Engineering is basically a kind of academy to teach about the engineering software products used in education and industry. For this purpose, the Basics of different engineering products and solutions are provided. Anyone can use and apply this knowledge to improve and polish his/her skills. Information about how to download different engineering software products is also provided along with their Download Links to help students speed up the process of learning. All of these services are free of cost anyone can benefit from this information.

                     This blog is developed and maintained by Mr. Kashif Ahmed, a mechatronics engineering student from Air University, Islamabad, Pakistan. This blog is part of a community service project initiated by the humanities department of Air University under the supervision of Maám Afia Misri.

                     The author Mr. Kashif Ahmed considers online teaching to be a service to the community. The initial teaching material is related to software only. But soon there will be posts related to all the fields of knowledge on this blog.


Kashif Ahmed
Mechatronics Engineering Student
Air University
Islamabad, Pakistan.

Email: 160459@students.au.edu.pk

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